When people are at their best, 
what do they show? 

Confident, clever decisions.
Motivated, dynamic mindsets.
Emotional Intelligence.
Elegant Leadership.
Composure under stress.
Creativity and Energy.
Courses designed by doctors, bound by oath:
Avoid ineffective treatment.
Only do what works quickest and best. 
That's why Mental Wealth is Unique. 

Real performance enhancement, for all people at once.


We're doctors with a difference: We make the best people better. We've done it for 13 years at the highest levels in elite sport and business, 1:1. fNow we're rolling it out to everyone, affordably scaled using technology.

  • Powerful psychological techniques from evidence-based medicine
  • 24/7 online interactive content, enhanced with AI and multimedia
  • Fully user-focused, flexible learning experience
  • Real-world KPIs: revenue, motivation, decision accuracy, relationships and communication skill, and many more. 
  • Proven value: $10 uplift in performance for every $1 spent* 

(*Optimum/ maximum limit: 2.5% of operating spend on these programs leads to 22-25% uplift in overall performance across your organisation- based on multi-centre data)


What if Everyone found their Individual Power? 


When peoples' individual abilities are refined and matched to their roles, they become powerful and effective. Make this happen both at individual and team level. Everyone can train together, but also at their own pace and style. No one is left behind: our back-end systems measure individual and group progress across the board. 


If you believe that there ways to perform better AND encourage a healthier, more satisfying work-life balance, you are in the right place. We teach people how to understand themselves and each other in a more complete way. Life becomes far more rewarding when efforts are more in sync with natural ability. 


Animated lessons, interactive quizzes, step-by-step techniques- all accessible, all the time. Explore courses here.



Refining the Mind: An example


Attention is the most basic currency of mental wealth. Most of what we pay attention to is not useful. We aren't taught how to really control it: it's left to the mind to decide automatically. This must be put right.


Learn it with us: In several of our programs, you learn to use this currency to maximum effect. It's how the best footballers read where the ball is going to be. It's how the best leaders detect the secret opinions in a room full of people. It's why they get ahead. 


People describe attention training "like seeing things in plain daylight for the first time".  Better relationships, faster promotions, better mental health. 


 It's just one of the many different techniques you learn with Mental Wealth.



Mental Wealth is not mindless positivity, or bumper-sticker motivation. 

It's not about pretending that life skills don't matter. 


Mental Wealth Skills are the soft and hard skills for living more effectively. 

Making better choices. 

More consistently being your best.

Finding better purpose and joy.


Become better at what you do best. 


The Animated Shorts


The Shorts feature in all our courses. They are neat, animated, entertaining and informative clips, carefully constructed with learning theory, audiovisual cues, and specific narration, to help you learn and master a given topic.


We've put so many of our Shorts on our YouTube channel. They create interest and intrigue, which some people want to take further. So that's part of our business model: put stuff out there for free, able to stand on its own, knowing that it will help anyone who takes it face value, and some of those people will come to the courses for deeper learning.


Why is the price so low? 


. At the end of the day, we're doctors. We get a kick out of helping people live better, higher quality lives. So we have 2 goals: 

  • Performance consultations tailored for individual clients, which we still do at the highest level
  • To deploy Mental Wealth techniques to as many people as possible. Our courses contain 80% of what we teach, made accessible online, at a time and place that suits them.

Courses are priced to match our mission: we really believe this work helps make people wiser, happier, and more successful, and we want to help as many people as possible. 


Whether you do the courses on your own, or you opt for 1:1 consultation, the quality and learning experience should be very similar. All helpful, all useful, engaging, minimum jargon.


 Maybe it will work for you too. Try it. 

Why does it matter?

Soft skills are hard. Human are pretty good at learning technical skills. Accounting, sports, finance, baking, construction, all of that. It's about knowledge and practice. Like programming a desktop computer. But life is more complex than that. It's full of interruptions, hazards, and incidents. You need more than technical skills. You need soft skills for those. 


Your brain is a supercomputer with greater computing power than K2, the world's current fastest computer. It needs this power because to succeed in life, you have to handle that complexity: emotions, influence, choices, stability, conflict, improvisation, priorities. Supercomputer level material. 


A Stanford Study from 2018 showed that soft skills are 4 times more powerful in determining growth and success in groups and organisations, when compared to technical skills. 


Your supercomputer is not easy to train. We make it interesting, compelling, and we have techniques that you can to start using straight away. Getting this right helps you to live a better life. 


So join a program and find out for yourself. 

A typical screenshot. Animated videos explain key techniques throughout the course

A decade of elevating performance.

Mental Wealth is the work of performance science, which comprises our expertise in medicine, psychiatry, neuroscience, business and sports psychology. 


We started this work in 2010, to discover what we could do for people seeking that performance edge. We worked on a 1:1 basis with motor racing teams, boxers, investors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, many people. The concept worked with all of them because it's about refining the way people think, regardless of where they are. So early n 2023, we decided to take this experience and compile our knowledge and techniques together for an online audience. 


We're doctors, not 'gurus' or ex-businessmen trying their hand at the 'coaching'. What we do has to work, or we don't do it. Our clients have goals, and we measure how well we achieve them. It's much more precise than ordinary coaching or therapy. 


We've shaved seconds off elite drivers' lap times. Helped companies attract interest and value at IPO. Helped bosses get more openness and change from their employees, and vice versa. These things have real value both in terms of productivity, morale, retention and sales. A well motivated team can be the difference between uncertainties and losses, and record profits. 


It's about choosing, then using, the right tools, specific to a given person in their situation. These tools, rightly and ethically used, can work for you too. 


We help the best stand out from the rest. It's time to show you how. 


Typical Aims and Achievements:

  • Decisions: improving predictions and accuracy.
  • Leadership: How to influence others, both within and outside formal roles. 
  • Communication: decoding and persuading more effectively.
  • Mistakes: why they happen, and how to reduce errors reliably
  • More than Resilience: How to actually thrive in difficulty.
  • Inverting Risks: how to make gains when everyone else is losing ground.
  • Masterful Confidence: knowledge and emotions aligned perfectly.
  • Cultural shifts: dealing with low morale, crisis, and change.
  • Memory enhancement; accurate recall= better decisions. 
  • Purpose and Fulfilment: how to focus the higher mindset and inspire others. 

Features and contents of the courses:

  • A.I. assisted learning tasks
  • Neuroscientifically designed learning modules 
  • Personalised skills growth techniques
  • Self-rating instruments
  • Non-verbal and behavioural influence
  • Exercises and Assignments
  • Testing and Certification
  • Group psychology br2
  • Multi-modal learning - written, reflective, audio, audiovisual, metaphorical, narrative.

Why are we doing it?

Motivated people need the best tools. 
We use techniques that are precise and effective.
We believe more people should know. 

The next leader, the next world beater, could be anywhere. 

We believe that the best tools should be accessible to capable, motivated people regardless of where they are, regardless of what they face. Providing an online platform is the best strategy to make this happen. 


We are also serious about addressing inequality. Surpluses from  1:1 consultation work go subsidising our content creation costs and towards the Mental Health Access Mission, funding care and advice for deserving people from disadvantaged backgrounds.  

A Head Start? Try this.
Exceptional: the Book 

"Dr Harris' finest work"
- The Performance Journal

More than 300 pages of know-how. 


It's lonely at the top. And it's hard to stay there. 

After 20 years of experience with people and teams as diverse as motor racing to international law, Dr Harris writes about the discoveries, theories and techniques that have defined performance neuropsychiatry. 


The book is designed as a how-to manual, with easily understood concepts, diagrams and explanations. 

Oxford Scientific Publishing 

Worldwide rights: Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 


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